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MiniCloud REST API
Our REST API allows you to create, modify, and terminate any of our services programmatically over a secure connection. It has been simplified and made easy to integrate with your existing business or personal applications. Make use of it and take advantage of the endless features Cloud computing has to offer.

In order to send an API call, two types of input will need to be provided. GET and POST on a single request over HTTPS.
Base URL:{service} where {service} stands for the service you are sending the request about and POST properties are as follows:
Cloud Compute
Description Create a new Cloud Compute user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-user
double-redundancy String yes or no
cpu Integer 480-2400 in MHz
mem Integer 128-2048 in MB
quota Integer 1-100 in GB
username String Valid new username
password String Valid new password
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Change computing capacity for an existing user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String scale-user
cpu Integer 480-2400 in MHz
mem Integer 128-2048 in MB
quota Integer 1-100 in GB
username String Existing username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Change password for an existing user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String change-password
password String New valid password
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Terminate an existing user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String terminate-user
username String Existing username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Create a new website on an existing Cloud user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-website
username String Existing Cloud username
domain String Valid domain name
static_requests Integer 1-100 Requests/s for each visitor
dynamic_requests Integer 1-100 Requests/s for each visitor
bandwidth_out Integer 1-100 Mbps for each visitor
bandwidth_in Integer 1-100 Mbps for each visitor
php_version String PHP5.3, PHP5.4, or PHP5.5
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Configure an existing website on an existing Cloud user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String config-website
domain String Existing domain name
static_requests Integer 1-100 Requests/s for each visitor
dynamic_requests Integer 1-100 Requests/s for each visitor
bandwidth_out Integer 1-100 Mbps for each visitor
bandwidth_in Integer 1-100 Mbps for each visitor
php_version String PHP5.3, PHP5.4, or PHP5.5
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Manage the allow and deny lists for an existing website
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String config-website
domain String Existing domain name
allow String IPv4 addresses separated by commas
deny String IPv4 addresses separated by commas
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Manage the allow and deny lists for an existing website
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String update-htaccess
domain String Existing domain name
htaccess String Htaccess new contents
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Manage the allow and deny lists for an existing website
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-website
domain String Existing domain name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Create a new Database user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-user
double-redundancy String yes or no
reads Integer 1000-100000 reads per hour
writes Integer 500-10000 writes per hour
username String Valid new username
password String Valid new password
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Change number of reads and writes for an existing user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String scale-user
reads Integer 1000-100000 reads per hour
writes Integer 500-10000 writes per hour
username String Existing username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Change password for an existing user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String change-password
password String New valid password
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Terminate an existing user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String terminate-user
username String Existing username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Create a new database and assign it to an existing user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-database
username String Existing database username
name String Valid new database name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Delete an existing database
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-database
name String Existing database name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Give an existing user privileges to read and write from a database
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String assign-user
username String Existing username
database String Existing database name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Remove read and write privileges from a user
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String unassign-user
username String Existing username
database String Existing database name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Register a domain name
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String register-domain
tld String Top-level domain name
sld String Second-level domain name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Transfer an existing domain name
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String transfer-domain
tld String Top-level domain name
sld String Second-level domain name
code String Registrant's authorization code
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Update domain name information
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String update-domain
- - This command is under development
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Add years to a registered domain (renew)
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String add-years
years Integer 1-10 number of years to add
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Create a new DNS zone
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-zone
domain String Valid domain name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Delete an existing DNS zone
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-zone
domain String Existing domain name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Create a DNS record for an existing DNS zone
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-record
domain String Domain name of the DNS zone
name String Name of the record
type String DNS record type
value String Value of the record
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Delete an existing DNS record
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-record
domain String Domain name of the DNS zone
name String Name of the record
type String DNS record type
value String Value of the record
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Email Service
Description Create a new email domain
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-domain
domain String Email domain name
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Delete an existing email domain
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-domain
domain String Existing email domain
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Create a new email account
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-account
domain String Existing email domain
username String Valid email username
first-name String Owner's first name
last-name String Owner's last name
quota Integer 1-100 GB email storage
password String Account new password
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Modify an existing email account
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String modify-account
domain String Existing email domain
username String Existing email username
first-name String Owner's new first name (optional)
last-name String Owner's new last name (optional)
quota Integer 1-100 GB new email storage (optional)
password String Account new password (optional)
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Delete an existing email account
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-account
domain String Existing email domain
username String Existing account username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Create a new mailing list
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String create-list
domain String Existing email domain
username String New username for the list
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Delete an existing mailing list
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-list
domain String Existing email domain
username String List username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Add an existing email account as a member to a mailing list
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String add-member
domain String Existing email domain
account String Email account username
list String List username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Remove a member from a mailing list
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String delete-member
domain String Existing email domain
account String Email account username
list String List username
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Access Control
Description Grant Secure Shell access to a given IP address
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String grant-ssh
ip String Valid IPv4 address
period String Access grant time
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Revoke Secure Shell access from a given IP address
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String revoke-ssh
ip String Valid IPv4 address
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Grant FTP access to a given IP address
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String grant-ftp
ip String Valid IPv4 address
period String Access grant time
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Revoke FTP access from a given IP address
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String revoke-ftp
ip String Valid IPv4 address
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Grant direct database access to a given IP address
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String grant-db
ip String Valid IPv4 address
period String Access grant time
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON
Description Revoke direct database access from a given IP address
Property Type Value
key String Your unique API key
command String revoke-db
ip String Valid IPv4 address
response String Response encoding whether in XML or JSON