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Price Comparison
Feature Comparison
Technical Comparison
Price Comparison
Feature Comparison
Technical Comparison

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Price Comparison
MiniCloud RackSpace Godaddy VPS DreamHost VPS
Starting Price FREE $16.06 $29.99 $15.00
Setup Time Instant Hours Hours Hours
Billed By Minute Hour Month Month
Minimum Instance Price $3.12 $16.06 $29.99 $15.00
Feature Comparison
MiniCloud RackSpace Godaddy VPS DreamHost VPS
Port Access Control
2-Step Verification
SMS Notification
All-In-One Console
Technical Comparison
MiniCloud RackSpace Godaddy VPS DreamHost VPS
Scalable CPU Speed
Scalable RAM Size
Scalable Disk Storage
Client API
No Downtime Scalabilty
Control Panel Included
Tier-3 Datacenters
Double Redundancy