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Scale Your Hosting For Your Visitors. Unlike shared hosting which punishes your website for having too many visitors, MiniCloud grows with your website. Your visitors are your asset and potential customers and you want the same ultra fast browsing experience for every single one of them. MiniCloud is prepared for that. Create your computing instance in our Cloud and scale it up as your website gets more popular, or scale it down to save money. The flexibility of the Cloud is super charging the enterprise industry and now MiniCloud is bringing it to you.

Scaling your Cloud computing power with MiniCloud is effortless. Scroll your CPU, RAM, or Storage capacity up or down at anytime and there is absolutely no change or cancelation fees, no downtime or provisioning time; it is instant!
Take Full Control Over Your Hosting. Customizable hosting environment is extremely important in order to run your web applications as efficient as possible, and to have them run exactly how you want them to. The days where the web hosting company is in full control of the environment for their advantage are over. With MiniCloud, the control is in your hands.

MiniCloud gives you full control over your hosting platform. Whether networking options, programming languages, double redundancy, web server directives, custom error pages, and an endless list of options. All of these advanced options are available through our web console which is extremely responsive and easy to use for your convenience. No more confusing shell programming or complicated server setup, everything is advanced and simplified at the same time, bringing order to complexity.
Outbound Bandwidth
Inbound Bandwidth
Dynamic Requests
Per Second
Static Requests
Per Second
Security And Privacy, Top Priority. Every website is vulnerable to daily attacks, including your own. At MiniCloud, security is our top priority. Our sophisticated and highly secure systems are ready to defend your website against any hacking or overloading attempts. We also use 2-step authentication to secure our customers credentials from being stolen.

Lack of security can be devastating, and with shared hosting environments, the risk is dramatically increased. That is why at MiniCloud we made sure that every single computing environment is completely isolated from others. They are also completely isolated from public networks and put into private environments that only allow visitor access with absolutely no chance of control, even if access credentials were stolen.
Infrastructure Designed For Failure. All websites run on servers, and every server is subject to failure, but that is not a reason to go out of business. Computers and networks are extremely sensitive and data loss along with downtime is highly probable in poorly designed infrastructures. That is why MiniCloud was designed for failure.

Only with MiniCloud you will have the option to run your website from not only multiple servers, but also multiple data centers that are completely independent and redundant. Our topnotch tier-3 data centers have backup electricity generators and connected to multiple global tier-1 networks for increased availability, but that is not enough. We also made sure that your website will run from multiple data centers in different geographical locations to increase performance and availability and prevent downtime even under extreme conditions such as electricity blackouts or unstable whether conditions.